A membership healing houses, offices, land,
people and saving the world's rainforest.

"Sleeping on a bad energy spot or line is, in my opinion, one of the biggest causes of ill health. It not only disturbs the harmonic frequencies of someone's phyiscal body it can also negatively affect their mind and emotions."
(Caitlin Walsh)
What Members Have Said So Far:
Caitlin has discovered, like many others, that one of the leading causes of many illnesses and psychological conditions is something called Geopathic Stress. In order to address geopathic stress and its effects on our health, Caitlin has established Heal the Earth - a system that heals houses and helps neutralise the vibrations from the bad energy lines emitted from the ground. It's very important that you do not sleep on these vibrations. This is why. See diagrams below:

Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Lung Tumour

“World Land Trust is extremely appreciative of the generous support that Heal the Earth gives on behalf of their members. They have already helped save vital habitats which are now permanently protected in Bolivia, Borneo and Guatemala and the world’s threatened biodiversity will continue to benefit from their donations to the Buy an Acre Fund. Very many thanks.”
John Burton, Founder & Director of Partnerships
When you join Heal the Earth, you will receive an assessment of your home/office and the energy levels found there. If needed, we will mark on to a plan of your home any areas of Geopathic Stress to be avoided, healed or neutralised. Your home/office will then receive 3-6 in depth house healing sessions, depending on what's needed.
As a member of Heal the Earth, you will then regularly receive the following:
Monthly in-depth house healings on the address you have entered in Heal the Earth. These healing appointments usually take place on the third Sunday or Wednesday of each month at 2pm your local time. All inhabitants (including people and animals) are asked to be out of the house for one hour on your selected house healing date each month. These monthly healings are vital to ensure that the good energy established in your home/office is now maintained.
Monthly distance healings for you and your family. These healing appointments take place on the third Sunday or Wednesday of each month at 10pm your local time. You will receive an email newsletter at the beginning of each month inviting you to select your preferred dates and times for distance and house healings.
The satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to heal the planet. One third of all income raised through Heal the Earth is donated to the World Land Trust to support rainforest and wildlife conservation projects. As a member of this movement, each year you will personally save approximately half an acre of rainforest through our contributions to the World Land Trust. This is roughly the size of eight tennis courts. Just to give you an idea of the impact you are having, an acre of rainforest contains up to 86 different species of tree, with the amphibians, birds, insects and mammals that depend on them.
You also get access to our Heal The Earth members only area on this site.
There is a one-time joining fee of £70 to join Heal the Earth. The subscription then costs £22 per month or £220 per year if you choose to pay annually (a £44 savings). To sign up, please click on the joining fee button. If you only want an assessment on your home it costs £60.00.
"The whole house feels as though a great weight has been lifted off its ‘shoulders’ (so to speak). When I look down into the dining room, the air looks clean. The best way I can describe this is when you clean your windows it looks like there is no glass there as they are sparkling clean and that is how the air feels in my house – sparkling, fresh, invigorating air. " (Andrea)
"I felt a cool blast when I went back to my house and a lovely, sweet smell that I didn't recognise."
"When we got home the house felt lovely and full of light...This morning I didn’t feel groggy as other days and my headache has gone. The children and I are definitely brighter."
(D. Bowman)