About Caitlin
The Healing Zone
Heal The Earth
Jean - USA - Heart miraculously goes back into rhythm!
Nora - Ireland
Chloe - USA
Sarah - Australia
Dion - UK
Sofia - Vancouver, Canada
Anthony - Australia
Distance Healing Just As Powerful
Help with Pituitary Tumour through Distance Healing
Distance Healing Felt Like Liquid Sunshine
Dragging Feeling on My Energy Gone after Distance Healing
Load Lifted During Distance Healing
Amazing Distance Healing Experience
Distance Healing Helps Breached Baby
Baby Felix in Intensive Care
My Dog is Much Happier & Healthier!
Couldn't walk for 15 years but after healing now can!
Chronic Urinary Tract Infections
Doctors Speechless on Deafness
Pneumonia cured with colloidal silver!!
We Are Never Alone Realisation
Doctor's Baffled by Life Threatening Illness - "twisted out and twisted away"
Severe Ankle Pain Following Car Crash
Emer avoided surgery and had spiritual awakening
Chronic Neuropathic Pain healed
Severe back injury / long term pain healed through Caitlin Walsh!
Healing After series of mini-strokes and clot in brain
Caitlin Walsh heals 25 years of back pain!!
Amazing healing lights come through healer Caitlin Walsh
Re-united with grandmother on other side
Premonition? "The Angels of 9/11" by Caitlin Walsh
Testimonials about The Angels of 9/11 by Caitlin Walsh
Premonition? "The Angels of 9/11" Written Before 9/11
Help with Stomach Pain at Caitlin's Event
Birmingham Event Feedback
People Experience Healing at Caitlin's Event
Audience Members Healed at Caitlin's Event
Help with Severe Headaches at Event
Lighter, Lovelier Home
Better Sleep with House Healing
House Healing for Geopathic Stress
Energy Not Stuck Anymore
Energy in Home Transformed
Great Weight Lifted From House
Brighter, Happier Feeling in House after House Healing
Waking up Energised
Lovely Home Full of Light
House Healing Helps with Electrical Field Emissions
Sweet Smell After House Healing